Tuesday, June 22, 2010

E Cards vs. Traditional Cards

E cards have their own pros and no one can argue that they leave the same emotional effect that traditional cards did. The other advantage ofe cards is that there are millions of them to choose from on a single occasion, whereas traditional e cards don’t offer that much variety anymore. E cards are a lot cheaper than traditional cards as well. Most e cards are absolutely free but even the ones that cost don’t cost as much as standard cardboard greeting cards do.
Somehow e cards have not been able to replace cardboard greeting cards completely. Maybe it’s the sense that people think e cards are much easier to send than cardboard cards and that is why the lack of effort to actually buy a cardboard card of one’s own choice, writing it, packing it in an envelope and sending it, could still be felt when one sends an e card.
It is for this reason that cardboard greeting cards haven’t yet become obsolete and there are many traditional cardboard card companies that offer beautiful designs and cards for every occasion.

Source : http://news.puggal.com/


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